Namco X Capcom is a tactical role-playing crossover video game. Developed by Monolith Soft and published by the Namco company in 2005, it features characters from the Capcom and the original "Namco" series. Its gameplay is based on a cross between the two franchises, and it combines action sequences with tactical RPG gameplay. There are a total of 66 playable characters in this game, and each has unique strengths and weaknesses.
The game's gameplay is a hybrid of strategy RPG and action RPG elements. Players move around a grid-based map with various character units, and attack enemy units when they come within range. The game is stage-based, so you'll be required to complete various objectives in each stage to advance through the levels. This type of gameplay requires lots of strategy and skill to be successful. There are a lot of different characters to choose from and the story is quite engaging.
To get the most out of Namco X Capcom, you need to have played many classic games from both companies. It's not enough to play the game - you also need to be familiar with the characters from each. While the game's story is very engaging and will keep you occupied for hours, it is not as addictive as some people might expect. However, it is worth checking out for its fun gameplay.